Special Clinics
The daily Dental Clinic
functioning in the hospital since June 1997 is found very helpful to the
poor and needy tribal patients who are not able to reach the Dentists in
the towns.
A monthly Ophthalmology Clinic
is functioning in the Mission Hospital since March 1999. This is run
by Comtrust Eye Care Hospital, Calicut.
A child specialist examines the
children, who require special treatment every Sunday.
This clinic also gets the
services of a specialist once a month.
DISTRICT YOGA WELLNESS CENTRE The Mission has been selected as Swami Vivekananda District Yoga Wellness Centre –Under Public Private Partnership (PPP)- by the MORARJI DESAI NATIIONAL INSTITUTE OF YOGA, 68, Ashoka Road, Near Gole Dak Khana, New Delhi-110001.This Institute (MDNIY) is an autonomous organization under the Department of AYUSH, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Govt. of India. A Yoga Vidyalayam has been started since April 2013 giving training and conducting certificate courses.
The presence of Sickle Cell Anemia disease among the tribal people of Wayanad was found out by the Mission first and brought to the notice of the Government and the AIIMS, New Delhi by the Mission's chief medical officer Dr. D.D.Sagdeo. A survey was conducted at our behest with the help of AIMS New Delhi and it has been found that this disease is a genetic disorder and transmitted thorugh the genes of parents. Although tribes are mostly affected by it, Chetties of Wynad, who do not come in the list of Tribes, also are among the patients. Diagnosis, treatment and counseling are given for this. As a result the District has seen a tremendous change in awareness of the SCD. Awareness is the most crucial point for achieving effective control of these dreaded diseases through the first component for the control programme, i.e stopping the spread of the diseas. It becomes more important for the diseases like SCD as theere is no effective curative treatment available yet and hence the age old saying "Prevention is better than cure" stands true for this disease.
A Pain And Palliative Care
Clinic has been set up in the hospital with the help of the Pain and
Palliative Care Centre of the Calicut Medical College to translate the
available knowledge in the area of Palliative Care into practical
methods of supporting patients with chronic pain on account of advanced
cancer, Sickle Cell Anemia and other such conditions. This clinic is
functioning on all Thursdays since May 1998 with an average number of 20
RNTCP ( Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme)
The Mission has been actively participating in this Governmental programme for eradication of Tuberculosis from our midst for the last 10 years as a Microscopy and Treatment Centre and has obtained Certificate of appreciation from the Government of Kerala.

AXSHAYA: This is a project envisaged to determine the Tuberculosis patients in tribal colonies. In this, we are conducting field investigation and awareness campaigns, camps, slide shows etc. While India has already made great strides in providing access to basic “DOTS” (the globally recognized strategy for TB Control), this programme under the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Diseases (The Union) and I Union South-East Asia Office, New Delhi and under direct control of CHAI, (Catholic Health Association of India, will provide better access to TB services, especially in geographically difficult areas, vulnerable communities and tribal populations. They feel that India still has one of the highest estimated incidents of Multi Drug Resistant-TB cases (MDR-TB) in the world.
doctor attends to patients with ear, nose, and throat problems every month.